How It Works


Fireweed Food Hub is an easy, one-stop shop for food service and retail to access the best in-season, local, sustainable foods, year-round! We offer a simple-to-use online ordering system, excellent customer service, free in-city delivery, and flexible billing options. Read on to discover the benefits of becoming a Food Hub customer!


Register as a Food Hub customer today! We’ll be in touch to schedule a quick customer intake call to find out how we can best serve your needs and then you can begin browsing products on our online store!


Place your order during our designated ordering windows for weekly delivery: Thursday to Monday for Wednesday delivery (available year-round) and Monday to Wednesday for Friday delivery (available In Season only).


Deliveries are typically between 11 am and 4 pm and are free within the city.


We strive to provide a fair price to both our suppliers and our customers. At least 80% of your price goes directly to the producer. The remaining 20% is used to run the Food Hub.


Every product at Fireweed is guaranteed to be local and sustainable. We offer full transparency on the product’s farm origin and production methods. We want to help you translate that value to your customers as well— check out our Resources page for table service booklets and more, or learn more about our producers here.

How your purchase is strengthening Manitoba’s food system

Purchasing from Fireweed Food Hub is more than just buying local— it’s supporting the development of cooperatively owned infrastructure that, over time, will foster more opportunities for eaters and producers of local, sustainably-grown food in Manitoba.


A Food Hub is the general name for a community-based economic model that aggregates food products from a region and provides a central channel (or hub) through which they are sold to regional buyers. It can look very different depending on the model.

Fireweed Food Hub operates as a nonprofit wholesale cooperative Food Hub, where Producer Members of our Co-op can become Food Hub suppliers and sell their products through our online platform to wholesale buyers such as restaurants, institutions, grocery stores, community organizations and more. 

You do not need to become a co-op member to be a wholesale customer of the Food Hub.

Fireweed sources exclusively from our Producer Co-op Members who are all small-scale farmers, ranchers, fisherfolk and food producers in our region which includes Manitoba, NW Ontario and Nunavut. 

We choose to work with suppliers who are dedicated to continually improving their operation’s ecological and social resiliency through spray-free and Organic Certified growing, crop rotation, ethical and sustainable harvesting methods, free-range meat production, and fair pay for farm labourers. Learn more about our suppliers.

We are dedicated to providing a transparent supply chain in all our operations and we never purchase from third party distributors.

To register as a customer of the Food Hub, click here or on “Shop” in the site menu above. Then, click Register, select your customer type and complete the registration steps. Our sales coordinator will then contact you and introduce themselves and the food hub. After registration you can login to our online store and start browsing the local products!

You can also email Laura to set up a customer intake call at or schedule a call here

To become a Supplier to the food hub, check out our Supplier Information page or email Lex at

Where To Find Our Products

You can enjoy delicious, sustainably produced local food and support our work by visiting any one of our restaurant and retail customers:

We also bring local food to community organizations, like NorWest Food Co-op, West Central Women’s Resource Centre, Art City and Tunngasugit Resource Centre.